Saturday, August 25, 2012

Alessandria It

"Walking Through History"
August 24, 2012-Saturday
Today greeted us with some much needed sleep in the morning and then off to see what we could see and experience in the town of Alessandria. Our tour of the City started with the architecture of the Medieval Period and we saw The Church of St. Mary of the Castle and then on to the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century all the way to the Nineteenth Century. This very kind Italian women saw that we were looking at churches and gave us an incredible history lesson as she walked us through the Via's (streets) and showed us two beautiful (bela) churches, The Church of the Blessed Virgin of Monserat and The Church of the St. Alexander and St Charles. The challenge was she did not speak English well and we did not Speak Italiano but with hand gesturing and a translation book we were able to communicate reasonable well. In Italy the shops do not open until 4:00 pm and promptly close at 6:30 PM and only the bars with drinks (vino) and appetizers are open. The restaurants do not open until 8:00 pm and we needed food so tonight we ate at a bar with appetizers and had some great conversation with lots of hand gesturing with some Italian businessmen that were sitting next to us. Everyone has been very kind and accepting of us as we are obviously American Tourists on Holiday. We learned a new term for toasting "Chi Chi".

Buena Notte,

Elaine & Tim 

1 comment:

  1. Mike and I have started using your new way of cheering... I love the picture! Your adventures sound wonderful!
