Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Acqui Terma to Alba

August 26, 2012


Day two of bike ride. Tim has found a friend and an alliance with the Australian. They both quickly learned that navigating uncharted territories in a common language can be of great benefit. I am grateful that all I have to do is pedal and follow. The Swiss are on there own, partly because they do not speak any English, have made some obvious navigation errors and they are not very friendly.

Temperatures in the 90's, hills 90% of the way with 10-20% grade. I have to admit that at one point everyone got off to walk their bikes with the exception of Tim. Go Tim! He even impressed the Australian not only with his hill work but with his navigation skills. Go figure!

Our map has taken us into some crazy places with road signs that are in a language that we can not even pronounce. Today, hills, hills, and more hills, Italian countryside, vineyards, villas, churches, crematoriums, sacrament stations and friendly and helpful Italians.

After our ride, we went to go visit the Frunotto Winery where Tim was able to talk wine with the Wine PR person. We not only toured the winery which was beautiful but she opened 5 bottles of great Italian wine. I learned that the crop of 2012 may not yield the best wine due to the drought and lack of sugar content in the grapes. It will be interesting to see how the vintage will turn out after this year. 

Love to all,

Tim & Elaine

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Aunt Elaine! how wonderful to spend the day out on the hillsides... You're never to young to experience life! I love hearing how you're doing just that! Hope its the best!! Love Amy
